NOSE : An expressive nose with a vibrant presence of peat.
TASTE : Smooth, melodious taste with a superb mix of fruit and peat. Round and full character with tantalizing traces of almond, marzipan and biscuit.
FINISH : A strong spicy bite to the finish that is dominated by an extraordinary peat explosion with a vanilla creaminess that luxuriates across the mouth leaving a long finish on the palate.
John Teeling, Chairman of Cooley Distillery said “… believe that it is one of the best whiskeys in the world – bar none. It represents the pinnacle, to date, of Cooley distillation and maturing skills. The soft waters of the Cooley Hills, the warm caress of the copper pot stills, the breathing oak barrels from Kentucky, the ancient granite warehouses of Kilbeggan and 12 years in a perfect whiskey climate have combined to deliver this gem…”