Nose : oh! This baby starts very humidory (pfff…), with a lot of cedar wood, cigars, cocoa powder, touches of cloves, walnuts, cinnamon… It’s a superb oakiness – oak can be great when it’s perfect. The notes of unlit cigars never stops growing, which is even more perfect. Great! With water: swims like a champ. Grows more complex, even fuller, with touches of Cointreau, banana skin, more cigars, various cakes, gingerbread and such. Balance is perfect. There’s something that makes me think of the great Glenglassaughs 1972 that recently came out.
Mouth (neat): thick, oily and very spicy, hinting at great quality European oak. Some ginger, cloves again, nutmeg, cardamom, all that around cigars again, dried fruits (but it isn’t fruitcake)y as such), some kind of very sweet curry… I really find this superb. Walnut wine, black tea, chestnut honey… and other beautifully tannic things. With water: once again, it takes water very well, with the lovely sweet spices stepping to the front.
Finish: a medium length, with spicy cakes, cinnamon rolls and orange liqueurs. Also a little toffee. Works very well.
Comments: a very, very great sherry cask, for a bigger whisky than other old Tomintouls